By @devcsrj
What you need: A browser
console.log( "Oh yeah" )
alert( "Awesome" )
console.log( "Oh yeah" )
alert( "Awesome" )
, not While
, or WHILE
// This is a one-liner comment
/* This is another comment */ // this one too
* Multiple-lined comment.
* Yep.
// Legal identifiers
var i, my_variable_name, v13, _dummy, $str;
var a
// Interpreted as: var a; a = 3; console.log(a);
var y = x + f
// Interpreted as: var y = x + f(a+b).toString();
var x // Declare a variable named x
x = 0; // Now variable x has the value of 0
x // => 0: A variable evaluates to its value
// JS supports several types of values
x = 1; // Numbers
x = 0.01; // One number type for integer and reals
x = "hello world"; // Strings
x = 'JavaScript'; // Single quote marks also delimit Strings
x = true; // Boolean values
x = false;
x = null; // A special value denoting "no value"
x = undefined; // Undefined is like null
7 == 7 // true
7 === "7" // false
7 === 7 // true
"auf" != "hau" // true
"auf" !== "hau" // true
7 > 7 // false
7 >= 7 // true
7 < 1 // false
7 <= 1 // false
Operator | Example |
Remainder (%) | 12 % 5 returns 2 |
Increment (++) | if x is 3, then x++ is 4 |
Decrement (--) | if x is 3, then x-- is 2 |
Unary negation (-) | if x is 3, then -x is -3 |
Unary plus (-) |
+"3" returns 3 +true returns 1 |
Exponentiation | 2 ** 3 returns 8 |
if( condition ) {
// Executes if condition is true
} else {
// Else what
switch( expression ) {
case 'value1':
// Execute code if expression is 'value1'
case 'value2':
// Execute code if expression is 'value2'
case default:
// Execute code if expression does not match any
// `default` is a reserved keyword
// `break` optional, since it is the end of switch
while( condition ) {
// Execute this every time condition is true
for( init ; condition ; iterator ){
// Execute until condition is met
var universities = [ "auf", "hau", "spcf", "ama" ]
var bankAccounts = [ 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004 ]
// You can mix datatypes
var stuff = [ 5, 'random', [], "I wonder who does this", true, 50.0 ]
// Methods - @see Array.prototype
function average ( arr ) {
var mean = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i ++ )
mean += arr[ i ];
return mean / arr.length
average ( [ 85, 88, 75, 83 ] ); // 82.75
var madEcho = function ( what ) {
return what.toUpperCase() + "!!!!"
madEcho // prints function declaration
madEcho ( "hi" ); // "HI!!!!"
var greet = function ( greeting, name ){
alert( greeting + name );
greet // prints function declration
greet( 'Hello Master ', 'RJ' );
// IIFE (iffy) - Immediately Invoked Function Expression
(function( greeting, name ){
alert( greeting + name );
})( 'Hello Master ', 'RJ' );
var person = {
firstName : "Reijhanniel Jearl",
lastName : "Campos",
age : 20,
likes : [ "pizza", "all-meat pizza", "more pizza" ],
introduce : function (){
return "Hi, I am " + this.firstName + " " + this.lastName
+ ", " + this.age + ". I like " + this.likes
is the main entry point to all client-side JavaScript features and APIs.
window.location = ""
// The alert() method is a method of the `window` object
// Same as:
setTimeout( function() { alert( "Sup" ) }, 2000 );
document // we focus on this!
.. a platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents -
Try the following:
document // to see the document object model
// Adds a `style` attribute to <body> tag = 'yellow'
// Sets a new value for <title> tag
document.title = "Look at the tab name!"
// Returns an array of <section> tags
document.getElementsByTagName( "section" );
// Sets HTML content of element with id of `caption-id`,
document.getElementById( "caption-id" ).innerHTML = "Yo"
// try `Inspect Element`!
var btn = document.getElementById( "btn-for-event" );
var poke = function( event ){ // expect an `event` variable = "You poked me!"
// attach `poke` function `onclick`
btn.addEventListener( "click", poke );
// or: btn.onclick = poke;
// attach an anonymous function `onclick`
btn.addEventListener( "click", function( event ) {
alert( "Poked you back!" );
// remove `poke` function `onclick`
btn.removeEventListener( "click", poke );
// More Events @see MDN Event ref
<!DOCTYPE html>
// Do magic
<div id="div1">The text above has been created dynamically.</div>
document.body.onload = addElement;
function addElement () {
// create a new div element and give it some content
var newDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
var newContent = document.createTextNode("Hi there and greetings!");
//add the text node to the newly created div.
// add the newly created element and its content into the DOM
var currentDiv = document.getElementById( "div1" );
document.body.insertBefore( newDiv, currentDiv );